Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders Through Debate

The Oratory Olympics is where critical thinking and powerful communication ignite leadership potential

The Power of Student Debate

At The Oratory Olympics, students engage in both individual and team rounds, exploring various debate styles to hone their skills. From structured debates to insightful workshops, we empower students to develop critical thinking and powerful speech.

Oratory Olympics Children Debate

Why Choose The Oratory Olympics


Skill Mastery

Oratory Olympics hones critical skills like persuasive speech and communication through debates and workshops, preparing students for success.


Confidence Building

Students gain confidence by showcasing their speaking abilities in front of peers and judges, boosting self-assurance beyond the competition.


Real-World Ready

Skills learned in Oratory Olympics, like argumentation and persuasion, directly apply to college, job interviews, and leadership roles.


Diverse Perspectives

Engaging with peers from diverse backgrounds fosters empathy and expands students’ understanding of the world.


Expert Support

Our experienced team provides valuable feedback and guidance, ensuring every participant receives the support they need to excel.


Networking Opportunities

Oratory Olympics offers connections with peers, alumni, sponsors, and partners, opening doors to further academic and professional opportunities.

Ready to empower your students?

Our Impact on Students

The Oratory Olympics stands out as a platform for student growth, preparing them for future academic, professional, and leadership opportunities. Our competition fosters a supportive environment where students thrive and develop into confident, articulate leaders.

Participating in debates during secondary school was a turning point for me. I wasn’t just learning how to argue; I was developing foundational skills that would shape my personal and professional growth for years to come.

Sola Mathew
